Wednesday 18 February 2009

Lib Dem councillor in Camden resigns over mental health problems

Camden is facing yet another by-election following the resignation of Belsize councillor Chris Basson. The Lib Dem member, elected in 2006, announced his decision in a frank statement to the Ham and High newspaper after being made aware of an investigation into his elements of his private life by the paper.

I have no idea what the issues relating to Mr Basson's private life were and, as long as they relate only to his private life, see no reason why I or anyone else should know. I am particularly sympathetic as Mr Basson suffers from bi-polar disorder, otherwise known as manic depression and, according to his statement in the Ham &High, had been hospitalised several times following a series of nervous breakdowns over the last 3 years.

It is unclear whether it was the investigation or the councillor's persistent mental health problems that led him to conclude that he could not longer carry on in his position. I agree that serving as an elected representative while suffering from an illness serious enough to warrant frequent hospitilisation is untenable. However, if it transpires that the stress caused by Ham & High's investigation into his private life was the straw that broke the camel's back, then they will have far more to answer for than Mr Basson.

The only question that remains is whether or not councillor Basson, having been diagnosed way back in 1996, should have told his constituents about his illness when running for election 10 years later. I believe that a politician's private life only stops being private when it begins to clearly and directly affect their performance or conduct as a public official. I very much doubt that Mr Basson would have run for election if he even had an inkling that his illness would force him to resign just three years in. So, if the sufferer himself had no idea what effect his condition would have on his performance as councillor, how could his constituents have been reasonably expected to make such a judgement?

I think the councillor has done the right thing by his constituents as while it would have far more convenient for each of the rival political parties if he simply announced that he would not stand again next year, he decided that if his constituents were to be effectively represented in the town hall, he would need to be replaced now. I just hope that the residents of Belsize remember that when they go to the polls. I also hope they remember that the policies and ideals that earned councillor Basson their vote in the first place will only again be found in the Liberal Democrat candidate in the impending by-election.

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