Tuesday 27 May 2008

John McCain's Prophecy of Doom

Found this on American comedian John Hargrave's website: http://http://www.zug.com/pranks/senator/letter_mccain01.gif

Pretending to be a 10 year old boy doing a project on government, he wrote to all senators in 2003 asking them what their favourite joke was. I wonder what people woud make of McCain's joke now.

At least he replied though. Hillary Clinton came out as the unfunniest senator, who "couldn't even be bothered to send in a joke to a ten-year-old who was dying of cancer (even though he didn't mention the cancer part in his letter, because he's classy)."

Unfortunately, Barack Obama wasn't in the Senate when this prank was played. I would like to have seen what joke he'd have come up with, not doubting for even a second that he would have replied.

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